Our Termite & Pest Blog

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Need to know the difference between wasps and hornets? Or how to win the fight against ants? We stay on the cutting edge of the latest news and developments in residential and commercial pest control. Browse our topics to best know how to fight pests in your home or business.

How a Mosquito Infestation Happens

How a Mosquito Infestation Happens

Mosquitos are more than just a nuisance. They can carry serious diseases such as Zika, West Nile Virus, and malaria, posing a health risk to your family and community. Understanding how a mosquito infestation occurs is the first step in effectively managing these...

DIY Pest Control

DIY Pest Control

Taking matters into your own hands on any DIY project can actually be a productive thing - as long as you have some luck and a tad bit of skill. But when it comes to pest control the playing field changes. Even when it comes to buying or selling a home, mortgage...

Pest Control Tips: Dos and Don’ts

Pest Control Tips: Dos and Don’ts

Pest control. It’s a year-round process. There is a constant battle we seem to have with various critters vying for a spot INSIDE our homes and businesses. It may be they are driven inside due to the heat, cold, or attracted inside if they discover a food and/or water...

Potential Structure Damage from Termites

Potential Structure Damage from Termites

Termites are often called the “silent destroyers” because of their remarkable ability to chew through wood flooring, and even wallpaper undetected. For homeowners and property managers, the threat posed by these pests can lead to significant structure damage from...

Bites, Bugs and Barbeque

Bites, Bugs and Barbeque

Just because summer is winding down doesn’t mean you just shut down the grill until late spring. Regardless of the season, there’s nothing better than fresh grilled chicken, smoked ribs, grilled burgers, hotdogs, veggies and more! If there’s one thing that can dampen...

The Circus is Coming to Town

The Circus is Coming to Town

This attraction is certainly one you DO NOT want to attend! Fleas are not only an itchy annoyance to cats and dogs, but to humans as well. Fleas can cause allergic dermatitis and are the most common transmitter of the rare, but still present, bubonic plague. Fleas can...

Don’t Fall For This

Don’t Fall For This

Fall is finally here! With it comes fresh air, leaves that change color, plus it’s guaranteed that the pests are on the move. While the first two are always welcomed, the last one we could certainly do without! Many people fall into the trap of thinking the cooler...

Eviction Notice

Eviction Notice

Are you comfortable sharing your home with flies, ants, roaches, and rats? Of course, the answer is a definitive NO! Regardless of how repulsive they are, many times we are completely unaware of the pest invasion. Did you know that the average home has a minimum of...

What’s Bugging You

What’s Bugging You

This is one question that is asked frequently when it comes to those who have experienced a bed bug infestation. Perhaps you woke up with some strange marks on your pillow case - or you’ve noticed mysterious red welts on your arms. Maybe you’ve spotted them right...

How a Mosquito Infestation Happens

How a Mosquito Infestation Happens

Mosquitos are more than just a nuisance. They can carry serious diseases such as Zika, West Nile Virus, and malaria, posing a health risk to your family and community. Understanding how a mosquito infestation occurs is the first step in effectively managing these...

Potential Structure Damage from Termites

Potential Structure Damage from Termites

Termites are often called the “silent destroyers” because of their remarkable ability to chew through wood flooring, and even wallpaper undetected. For homeowners and property managers, the threat posed by these pests can lead to significant structure damage from...

Don’t Fall For This

Don’t Fall For This

Fall is finally here! With it comes fresh air, leaves that change color, plus it’s guaranteed that the pests are on the move. While the first two are always welcomed, the last one we could certainly do without! Many people fall into the trap of thinking the cooler...

DIY Pest Control

DIY Pest Control

Taking matters into your own hands on any DIY project can actually be a productive thing - as long as you have some luck and a tad bit of skill. But when it comes to pest control the playing field changes. Even when it comes to buying or selling a home, mortgage...

Bites, Bugs and Barbeque

Bites, Bugs and Barbeque

Just because summer is winding down doesn’t mean you just shut down the grill until late spring. Regardless of the season, there’s nothing better than fresh grilled chicken, smoked ribs, grilled burgers, hotdogs, veggies and more! If there’s one thing that can dampen...

Eviction Notice

Eviction Notice

Are you comfortable sharing your home with flies, ants, roaches, and rats? Of course, the answer is a definitive NO! Regardless of how repulsive they are, many times we are completely unaware of the pest invasion. Did you know that the average home has a minimum of...

Pest Control Tips: Dos and Don’ts

Pest Control Tips: Dos and Don’ts

Pest control. It’s a year-round process. There is a constant battle we seem to have with various critters vying for a spot INSIDE our homes and businesses. It may be they are driven inside due to the heat, cold, or attracted inside if they discover a food and/or water...

The Circus is Coming to Town

The Circus is Coming to Town

This attraction is certainly one you DO NOT want to attend! Fleas are not only an itchy annoyance to cats and dogs, but to humans as well. Fleas can cause allergic dermatitis and are the most common transmitter of the rare, but still present, bubonic plague. Fleas can...

What’s Bugging You

What’s Bugging You

This is one question that is asked frequently when it comes to those who have experienced a bed bug infestation. Perhaps you woke up with some strange marks on your pillow case - or you’ve noticed mysterious red welts on your arms. Maybe you’ve spotted them right...

We’re termite & pest experts

When it comes to protection from pests, we have you covered. Our highly trained technicians are members of the Arkansas Pest Management Association as well as the National Pest Management Association. Call today so we can get a tailored plan started for you and your specific needs!

Trick-or-Treat: Four Types of Pests Attracted to Sugar in Candy

Halloween is upon us, and one of the most frightening things you might encounter is an unwanted or unexpected intruder sticking its appendages into the candy bowl. Pests are attracted to a number of things, and sugary candies are right up there at the top of the list....

Prep Your Home for Fall Weather and Fall Pests

Winter is drawing closer every day, and many homeowners are busy decorating and changing out all their summer clothes and linens for sweaters and flannel sheets. But pests are also prepping for the cooler weather by looking for shelter for the winter. One of the best...

Why Isn’t My Pest Control Working?

Does it seem like your pest control treatments aren’t working properly? Have pests started to return to your property? Are they showing up in your home once again? There are many reasons why your pest control might fail, and learning why can help you work to reverse...

Common Signs You’re Dealing with a Cockroach Infestation

While there are some pests you may be fine putting up within limited numbers, or even ignoring and hoping the problem goes away, the sight of just one cockroach is always cause for concern. Not only are these insects gruesome and unwanted in pretty much every...

Identifying the Flies in Your Home

Flies are among the most common types of pests in the United States and around the globe. There are over 120,000 species found across the planet, 18,000 of which are present in North America. While these insects have fairly short lifespans, they are also some of the...

Protect Your Pet from Fleas and Ticks

Ticks and fleas are annoying and cause many problems, but they can also spread dangerous diseases to people and animals alike. Even worse, once an infestation starts, it can take weeks or even months to fully clean up. Fortunately, there are multiple steps you can...

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