4 Tips to Keep Brown Recluse Spiders Out of Your Home
Spiders are everywhere. And when they reside in your home, many species of spiders act as natural pest control as they feed on small insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and roaches. However, many people can’t fathom the thought of having a spider in their home? Why?
When most people think of spiders, they think of spider bites. They also think of the gruesome pictures and stories shared by others who have been bitten.
One of those feared spiders is the brown recluse spider. The brown recluse is a native spider found in Arkansas. It is about the size of a quarter and is usually identified by the fiddle/violin shape on its back. Because of the fiddle shape, it is also referred to as the fiddle-back spider.
The bite of a brown recluse spider can cause serious damage to the human body as cells become damaged and die off. It is important to note that every person is different and many experience different reactions to the brown recluse bite. However, in extreme cases, the bite can lead to open wounds, kidney failure, and eventually death if the person does not seek medical attention. For this reason, many people are focused on keeping spiders like the brown recluse out of their homes.
How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders
Here are four tips to help you keep brown recluse spiders from making themselves at home in your home:
- Inspect the Inside of Your Home for Signs of Spiders. In order to get rid of spiders, you have to first know where they are hiding out in your home. As their name suggests, brown recluse spiders like to hide in dark secluded places. Look for webbing in and around boxes, piles of clothing, or cluttered knick-knacks. Brown recluse spiders may also be located in places that you can’t necessarily see such as under insulation or inside of walls.
- Seal Cracks and Crevices on the Inside of Your Home. In order to get brown recluse spiders out of your house, it is very important that you seal up any cracks and crevices where these spiders may be entering your home. This means going around every inch of your home to look for possible entry points. Small things such as adding weather stripping to your doors and windows can make a big difference in the number of bugs in your home. Take this task one step further by caulking and sealing any cracks or holes.
- Eliminate Favorable Living Conditions for Brown Recluse Spiders. Don’t make it easy for brown recluse spiders to make themselves at home. When it comes to storage of boxes and other items in the basement or garage, make sure that items are not on the floor or sitting up against the wall. For your entire home, go through and make sure that each room is clutter-free. Not only does this help keep the spiders away, but it also keeps other bugs and rodents from hiding out.
- Don’t Forget to Check Outside. If you don’t take care of the outside of your home, then all of the work you do on the inside to get rid of spiders, insects, and rodents is just a waste of time. Like many other pests, brown recluse spiders often gain entry to your home through cracks and crevice on the outside. Large bushes, shrubs, and plants too close to your home can also make it even easier to gain access. Take time to cut back the greenery near your home and foundation. Also, look for piles of lumber, firewood, stones, etc. These items should be kept as far from the home as possible. If they must be kept indoors or close to your home, then place them off the ground and wrap them in plastic.
Hopper Termite & Pest Can Save You From Spiders
Don’t wait until you have a brown recluse spider infestation in your home. Once these spiders make themselves comfortable and start reproducing, it can be difficult to get them out.