The Sleepover
Have you ever wondered why birds fly south for the winter? Have you ever thought about it? It isn’t simply because they are born with the gift of superior mobility and an aversion to being cold. Nor is it that their food sources dwindle in winter and they must fly to where they can find something to eat. Birds know when to fly south before those food sources are all gone. Before you leap to the logical conclusion that they are merely thinking back to past winters and working to preemptively avoid starvation, it has been observed by scientists that even birds in captivity know when it is time to go south. They become fidgety and their sleep patterns change right before their natural migration time. It is believed that birds have these natural behaviors and instincts written into their genes.
Another interesting fact about bird migration is that some birds migrate for no reason at all. What? It’s true. There may be plenty of food and warmth for them to stay where they are, but they migrate anyway. It is the way they are programmed from birth. This isn’t to say that all migrating birds migrate. There have been a few baffling examples of migratory birds choosing not to migrate, as well as some individual cases of birds staying in cold areas even after the first snow.
So, what does all this have to do with keeping pests out of your home? We’re glad you asked!
Every creature on the planet has the ability to adapt. That is why we have everything from the Great Dane to the Chihuahua. Both are considered to be dogs, but there is definitely a difference between these two animals. Somewhere along the way, their genes took a serious fork in the road. This adaptive ability also allows creatures like bed bugs, which once lived in caves, to take up residence in our homes. It is believed that bed bugs once terrorized animals in caves throughout the Middle East, but when they got a taste for living near humans, there was no going back.
Adaptation has caused certain species of insects to be given the classification of “house,” like the house fly and the house spider. This classification is used to describe how these creatures prefer to live exclusively inside the homes of humans. Adaptation has caused another interesting classification: overwintering pest. Why do creatures choose man-made structures to overwinter in? Scientists have some guesses, but it is still somewhat of a mystery. They are hardwired to hide from winter, even before winter begins.
The Sleepover Blues
Has your home been invaded? Some common pests that invade Arkansas’ homes during the winter include cockroaches, stink bugs, ladybird beetles, mice, rats, squirrels, and skunks. Now is the time to find out what pests are a problem for you. Give Hopper Termite & Pest a call today. You do not want those pesky overwintering pests having a prolonged sleepover in your home this winter.